>PS. I think some one needs to slap the Damn person
>who made Funimation (or who ever made DBZ/SM/GW/etc. very
>stupid on CN) and tell them to stop killing anime with
>there HORRIBLE dubbing!!!!! Hopefully CN will stop
>here. Truely I think that Anime should'nt be on CN
>but should be put on much better station.
I hope Tenchi crashes and burns souly for selfish personal
reasons ^^; (I would like to still be financially able to
afford collecting the series after it shows)
I wouldn't say that I hold any kind of grudge against the
people that realease it, that seems kind of harsh. After all
I probably wouldn't be collecting cels if I hadn't seen
those DBZ dubs on WB so long ago, hmm, maybe I do hold some
kind of grudge =_='
Jamal |