Like it WENT TO HELL and I mean literally.....I confronted
my dad first becasue he has always supported me on my anime..he knew how
much Iloved it and was always happy to hear about it...
well my mother got to him first and he basically turned on me..
he told me I have an addiction (kinda of Ironic that I posted a thread saying we needed an AA)..
its exactly like herion or any other drug but its legal..
i need to stop spending so much..he claimed that I spent more than his brand new harley..
to make a long story short I told him there was no way in explaining why I loved it so much and ran to my room and
proceded (YES I DID IT THEY ARE BARE!!!!!) to take all my anime posters down..
I am not joking on this I took everything down even the stuff
that was on my ceiling and rolled all up...he came in after 15 minutees..
he BLEW UP AGAIN WHEN HE saw me taking down my huge Japan flag..
he told me I would never be a good cop if I act so immature for taking all my stuff down and he told me to sell
all of my stuff to prove to him that I could get what I claimed out
of my cels and anything else...(i seriously thoguht I would do it
to prove him wrong) but im not so blllppphhhh! This crushed me since some of
you probably know
that I hope my career is to be a cop...well its the next
day and I dont know what to do thing for sure..
I not ever talking about my anime with my parents becasue I just cant stand being told Im spending my money on crap..
pathetic me