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Re: Re: Yahoo is not the only place (Tue Jul 25 12:19:35 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


You get the sunglasses when you're new too. There
should still be somewhere you can look up the old
identity, if my memory is serving me and assuming
Ebay didn't remove the feature.

As for Lain321, I really think the lot of us
should get together and all e-mail Safeharbor at
once to report him/her (as well as any other
closely associated IDs that seem to be there only
to help Lain321 get the auction price sky high).
It just might get them out of our hair for a
little bit, if not for good. I don't sell my
cels, so I don't have that worry - I worry about
this person joking around with an auction for
something I'm interested in. >_<

In related news, another new Ebayer who's been
ticking me off lately is "mosquiton121", who is
running off copies of the Psychic Force fansub in
his/her basement and selling them on Ebay. >_<
I'm pissed because I'd like there to be a market
for a domestic release of Psychic Force - *I* want
a legal copy - and stupid jerks like this are what
kill that. (*growl*) But I need more ammo against
him before Ebay will do anything, so if anyone can
help, let me know. He has some Dragonball stuff up
too that (at least one auction of which) I suspect
is a fansub.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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