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Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
What to do about shill bidding... (Wed May 10 21:08:01 2000
) Sonia Lai slai@physics.spa.umn.edu |
Dear Friend, Yes, there is something you can do. I have been the victim of a schill scam in the past plus I had a friend who was also a victim as well, and here is what we did: 1. FIND AS MUCH EVIDENCE AS YOU CAN ABOUT THE SHILL SCAM. Look at the other auctions the seller is running. Try and see if they are also pulling the same shill scam on those auctions as well. Look at the bid history of those auctions or just the seller list. In my case, the bid history of the other auctions run by that seller had the SAME person bid against me in EACH case. In my friend's case, looking at the seller list, the same user was bidding (and "winning") EVERY auction the seller had listed (and the seller was listing over 100 items!). Afterwards, in my friend's and my case, the seller contacted me saying that the high bidder had "pulled out" so they could offer me the item for my high bid. My friend caught on right away, but it took me 2 auctions from this seller to catch on (the same bidder pulled out twice!). 2. TRY CONTACTING THE OTHER AUCTION BIDDERS. Try e-mailing the seller's other auction "losers." They too might have been approached with an "offer" from the seller saying that their high bidder has "pulled out" so they could offer them the item at their high bids. In my friend's case, she found out (and she only had to e- mail a few of the "losers") that they too were approached by the seller saying that the winner had "pulled out." If you are a victim of shill bidding, chances are that the seller is trying to pull the same scam on everyone else! 3. USE THE USER QUERY TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE "OTHER" FAKE BIDDER. Go to eBay's user query page to find out about the user you suspect of being an alias for the seller or friend: http://cgi3.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?UserInformationRequest The above URL will e-mail YOU AND THE PERSON YOU ARE ASKING ABOUT your name, address, and phone number (basically all the stuff you filled out to register on eBay). In my case, EACH (this seller had 3 eBay IDs!) of the users lived in the SAME PLACE PLUS THEY EACH HAD SIMILAR NAMES (and they were all AOL accounts and each eBay ID was created at the same time). In my friend's case, they were also all AOL accounts with 0 feedback. 4. AFTER YOU HAVE GATHERED AS MUCH EVIDENCE AS YOU CAN THAT YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF SHILL BIDDING, CONTACT EBAY'S SAFEHARBOR. E-mail safeharbor@eBay.com about your suspicions and evidence. HOPEFULLY, they will be able to confirm your suspicions as well at stop the shillers. In both my friend's case and my case, Safeharbor agreed with our suspicions and the sellers were suspended from eBay and their fake IDs terminated! On the first offense, a seller will be suspended for a month and all their fake IDs terminated. On the second offense, the seller's ID will be terminated, BUT that does not prevent them from creating a new one and starting all over again =(. Well, I hope this helps! Good luck in your pursuit! Sincerely, Sonia |
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