Cels Forum

Re:Has anyone ever gotten burned this way? (Tue Nov 16 16:16:13 1999 )

This is a reply to the message posted 2 or 3 messages before
this...For some reason I can't link this message to the 
original message...Sorry... have to post the reply as a
new message.
The situation you described is unheard of!!!!
Actually....almost unbelievable......
Could there be a miscommunication somewhere..Like there is an
actual "Holding" period and you didn't know of it; and the
order time period got expired??!!...Or he thought the order 
has not been finalize or something??!!

In any case, don't get discourage of cel collecting.
I dealt with many on-line cel dealers/collectors....and this
I've never heard of before....This is very rare and unsual
in my opinion.


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