Cels Forum

Re: Re: please explain this ... (Thu Dec 30 10:22:26 1999 )

you're misinterpreting what I said - yes I can see the image
has more showing. Anybody with an image editor can add 
a few strokes of similar colours, its so dead 
simple its stupid. But I can also see that areas 
which should be the same, like the section near his
 chin (hair), and others are not exact as the screen 
capture. People should look _carefully_ first and decide.
I am not articulate enough to point out everything.

So why do I even care?? Because:
Its simple for someone to get an interested emailer saying
they'd like to buy the cel. It happens all the time - so 
as for the 'its not as if she's trying to sell it' 
argument, thats true only until someone thinks "oh, wow!
I wonder what they'd want for that!" and sends a mail.

Now Megan - if you really own this cel, I would apologise.
But right now I see a dubious image and thats it. And I'm 
sorry, but its hard to see that image being from some other
shot (as you claim)

Anyway, thats all I wanted to point out, and I will not say
more on the topic.

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