Cels Forum

Re: Dumb question #4: Should I just let mouths get stuck? (Wed Dec 29 21:55:41 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Okay, here we go class!

Stuck = bad
Unstuck = good

At least, this is the impression I've been under. :)  I
wouldn't let your cels become stuck if you can help it.
First you can't undo it if you later decide they weren't
stuck or if they get stuck wrong (as in, not aligned right)
and second, I'm sure a stuck cel would be more in danger of
being damaged especially if it were only stuck on one very
small point - like a mouth. All you would need is for one
of the cel layers to get turned in a funny way.

Lastly, it could effect the value of the cel. I know that I
don't mind so much if cels are stuck to each other so long
as they're stuck in a way that they're lined up correctly,
but I *NEVER* buy a cel that is stuck to it's sketch (there
has been only one single exception to that rule). Which
leads my curiosity to it's next question. . . What do
people think of stcuk cels? (Again, this is to anyone who
bothers to read my blatherings. ^_^ )  Do you avoid them?
Pay less for them? Not care? What if they're not aligned
correctly, or if they're aligned but out of order? To the
dealers out there. . . Do you avoid carrying stuck cels?

I'd love to see the answers to this because stuck cels are
so common. . .

Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (off to work. . .)

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