Cels Forum

Another suggestion (Mon Jan 3 21:14:21 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Marie,

Here's another suggestion, although this will make
everything thicker.  Take a piece of cel bag that is about
the same size as the cel itself (so at least it will cover
the head).  Place this between the 2 cel layers, and then
put both layers into a cel bag (assuming that both cel
layers line up correctly).  This also works if you want to
protect the cel from sticking to a background especially
if it's taped on the top and bottom.  If you're lucky and
a cel is stapled at the top or taped only at the top, you
can slip a whole cel bag (with the top portion cut off like
a floating pocket) onto the cel.

If the cel layers don't line up according to the cel edges,
put each cel layer into its own separate bag.  Then, tape
the 2 cels together from the outside of the bags.  That way,
the cels will be taped together, but NO TAPE will touch the
cels itself.  This is what I did for a wedding cel I had.
the upper layer had the girl's wedding veil, and the lower
layer had the girl's head (fully painted with yellow flowers
in her hair which you can only see if you lift the veil) and
body and the groom.  I actually used the cel bag's own
sticky part to tape the 2 cels together on the outside of
the bottom layer's cel bag.  I hope that isn't too
confusing.  This way, I can "lift" up the girl's veil to
see her head underneath.

I hope this helps!  I've just finished the bulk of my re-
bagging this weekend (and getting a back ache again after
doing it for 4 hours straight!).



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