Because the listers are morons. :P It's just a marketing
gimmick, mind you, IGNORE these things. At least they say
they're CHROMA at all!
Because newbies may be under the wrong impression easily when
they see these keywords - RARE, NEW, MINT, etc.
Same with Sericel; but it is possible for repros to be
"limited ed." Don't know much about value, since I'm just
not interested in repros. Lots of Kenshin copies, which
are very obvious. I guess it's easier to find repros of some
series where good cels are rare.
Sometimes I just wish people would pay more attention!
Yes, EBay/Yahoo/etc. can be great places to find cels, but
sometimes other sites are better. I saw the Hobbit/LotR/RotK
animated VHS set go for well over $60 when they're available
from for much less. Go fig. |