Cels Forum

Re: Question: Just curious, but I was wondering... (Sat Jan 8 22:38:43 2000 )


    I've been collecting about 2 years now. The first year
 was not very serious and I had a prohibition from spending 
more than a certain amount of money. Well, just like the 
rest of you I was sucked in. I think the internet really 
allowed to build. I think what makes it enjoyable is 
'hunting' for that perfect cel. The forum makes it 
pretty fun too. It is such a strangely addictive hobby.
I really don't know why I got hooked but I've loved
animation since the Roadrunner vs Coyote days of my youth!
I have <50 cels but I like to think most of them are 
really aesthetically nice and most would look nice
if they were framed and hanging  on the wall. Fortunately
my job keeps me from too much preoccupation with it! After 
all I have to earn the money to but the cels!

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