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Re: Re: Just trying to help lay a theory to rest.... (Tue Jan 18 09:54:23 2000
) Saiyan Wolf |
>>Naturaly, the staples should be >>above the holes and not in the middle of the cel! Well, that was the problem is that there were two in the middle of the cel, I have a couple of cels that have been stapled at the top of the cel. This I would have no problem with, as it does happen occasionally. I think that what really irked me the worst was when I was told "No, that's a shadow." Please.. a perfect staple shaped shadow? :) Anyway.. I know the guy is trying to make a quick buck and more power to him. There's more that I had concerns with over a couple cels, which I am not going to bring up here as I have spoken to him about it already. As soon as the scans have been presented for the Vegita cel, I think that my concerns (and several other people who I've spoken with) will be laid to rest. Regards, Sheri |
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