Cels Forum

Just trying to help lay a theory to rest.... (Tue Jan 18 00:27:16 2000 )


It has been going around the forum for a while that a certain
cel seller/collector of dragon ball cels is a possible "scammer"
I just wanted to help put that theory to rest.  I am going
to purchase a very nice cel from him in the near future for over
$70.  At first he said for me to send western union, but since
I told him I felt uncomfortable with this, he said I can send
the payment any form I please, even any number of International
postal money orders grouped together all under $70.  So
my payment is safe and insured.  Concerning the cel currently on auction...
give it two days and you'll see by then he'll have a scan of the
sketch.  concerning the want to have the payment shipped
via western union or cash... This is a much more efficent form
of payment, IPMO's can take up to 8 weeks to france!  And finally the
story of the cel that was "obviously" damaged...  Through my
point of view and very limited experience of cel collecting
compared to almost everyone else on this forum, I have 
conducted a theory.  I believe that damage of a cel can be 
taken differnetly from person to person.  Some people consider
A cel being stuck to the background very badly damaged, or
stuck to the sketch, while to others this may not phase them at all
or in the case of Marc some people may
even consider a cel badly damaged if there are a couple staples
in the side that could easily be removed with a very minimal amount
of damage done to the cel.  Now this is just my point of view
on the issue.  It was not meant to insult anyone in any way.
Feel free to leave any kind of feedback to this message or contact me
at the email address above, thanks for taking the time to read this,

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