Cels Forum

Re: Re: Question...Getting ripped off (Mon Jan 17 20:18:59 2000 )

Thank you for answering :)
Well, here's the deal...I am going to be sending money to 
someone I'm not certain if I can all together trust,
and I'm asking in the event that this person doesn't come 
through.  It's not from a cel dealer, it's a personal sale from someone I know little about.  I don't want to pass judgement because I could be wrong about the person, and I don't want to not buy the cel just because I'm not sure if they can be trusted.  So before I send the money, I want to be sure that there is a way I could get the money back
in the event that I were to get ripped off.  

Hope this makes the question a little clearer :)

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