I've already explained my reasoning with selling 1 cel
I didn't want to part with for a higher price. (Also,
BTW, I never mentioned the Chu Chu cel in any forum
message or "cel for auction" message stating it was at
cost or anything... this cel was only listed less than
24 hours ago anyway, so please stop trying to imply that
I am trying to be deceitful about my auctions.)
Second off... no, if I sell a cel I do not mention, "write
me and we'll barter"... however, when has a simple email
inquiry hurt anyone? A bidder wrote me the other day about
one of my auctions, asking if I would sell for less (she's
already won one of my auctions recently), and I said yes,
even though the cel was already priced at my cost. So, if
you'd simply tried an email, who knows...? And as for the
Chibi/Peruru/Diana cel, I did mention on the auction page
"write me with an offer or to ask for reserve," meaning
if the offer was fair (say, within $25 of my reserve) I
probably would've said ok. The high bidder chose to write
and agree to my reserve, which was my cost anyway.
Anyway, at this point, I am tired of arguing this. The
conversation is going nowhere with your accusations of
dishonest practices. And as for removing my gallery, it
wasn't totally motivated by your post - a fellow wrote me
a week ago to ask if I would sell/trade some cels, and
he became rather nasty when I said no. I'd just rather
avoid that stuff; after all, I can still enjoy my collection
without having it posted electronically.
'Nite, all.
Lady Z |