Cels Forum

Re: Re: Cels you couldn't GIVE away (Mon May 15 06:06:03 2000 )
Lady Zatara

What a neat topic!  Usually it's "who got this cel" or
"looking for..." (and I'm guilty of some of that, too :P)

Hmmm... I wouldn't touch most of the villains from 
Dragonball Z ... Frieza was one ugly character, and most
of the others followed that line.  Vegeta was the only
sexy villain in my opinion, and cels of him are too 
expensive... and I have yet to see a GT cel that I
thought looked worth buying... (the series lost me after
the frieza thing... plot stayed the same: heroes fight,
kill villain, bigger villain comes, heroes get stronger and
maybe learn a new trick, kill villain, stronger villain
comes, etc... and the fact that they can just wish people
back really hurts the suspense factor :P)

Don't know if Heavy Metal really counts as anime, but I
really didn't like any of the animation in there, either...
a lot more ugly character, poor quality animation, I kinda
liked the Tarna story but that even was drawn out...

You couldn't pay me to take a Sailor Moon cel of the 
starlights... they have to be the ugliest sailors ever
drawn, a total waste of paint and acetate in my opinion :P
I've liked a very few cels of chibi moon (VERY few :P) and
could strangle her when she's in her normal form... I don't
think I'd be able to stand putting a cel of that pink-haired
brat in my celbook...

Nothing pure mecha... the robots are boring.  Shows like
Gundam Wing are ok because they have the character-based
plot, too, but when they get really into the mecha-fighting
stuff I just start to tune out... what's the fun of thumping
each other with a big metal 'bot?  Give me swords and
magic anyday... 

That's about it, I guess... hope I haven't offended anyone
too much with my dislike (and hey, I even left Tenchi alone,
although there's another whole list of irritating characters

Lady Z

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