Cels Forum

Re: Megazone and Iczer cels (Fri Jan 28 17:40:30 2000 )
Yann Stettler

Ouch, for Eve I fear that I can't help you : the only
one I saw from the first OAV that was for sale is mine.
There was a pretty nice one in a private auction in Japan
but as I was leaving, I couldn't take part to it.

It's not too hard to find cels of Eve from the second
OAV but I agree, they are much less nice. I have a 3rd
OAV one for sale currently on the site. Those are also
very rare : I only saw 2 or 3 in all.

Perhaps I can find you some cels of Yui: I got many
recently so perhaps I have some that are too similar
to each others :)

Iczer-1 (or Iczer-3 cels of Iczer-1 and Iczer-2) weren't
that hard to find a few years ago as a few shops/dealers
had some since a long time and nobody was interested. But
I bought them long ago and now it's pretty hard to find
some. (And David from Nichibei also like those characters
so it realy doesn't help :)

I saw the Sepia on Ebay but I have one from the same
scene. Same for the Iczer-2 cel on Taro... :)

Yann Stettler (who is still looking for the video
of Cosmos Pink Shoke !)

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