Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: I hate myself. (Fri Jan 28 08:54:52 2000 )
Yann Stettler

Ok, you want to know how I deal with something
like that ? I simply don't put myself in such
a situation.

Once I put a firm order for something, I just stick
to it even if I don't want the goods anymore: It's
not the problem of the dealer neither the one of
anybody else. It's my own problem and it's to me
to handle it.

If you posted your message because you wanted to
resell the cel to someone else then why don't you
put a picture of it or at least say what cel it
was. Else, it's totaly useless.
But if you posted your message because you want
that many people answer you by saying "oh, you poor...
Stephen please help her", then you shouldn't count
on me : as I said, I think it's a private matter
between you and Stephen.

Yann Stettler  

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