Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: AWS boxes of cels, in case anyone is curious. . . And framing! (Sun Feb 27 10:15:01 2000 )
Yann Stettler

Well, Japanese usualy consider that AWS prices are
expensive. But that's for Japan...  So you can
still get good deals. I usualy always buy a few cels
from them but not very much: As I mentioned, you won't
find anything realy great for a good price there. They
have a few realy nice/rare cel but far too expensive
and they don't sell.

Once I try to go through all Tenchi boxes (took around
4h) and ended-up with 2 average Achika cels :) They
weren't expensive but spending 4 hours for that is
realy not worth it... (and that was going through
thausend of cels, not just a hundred... that let you
guess the chance of getting a rare cel with their

Yann Stettler

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