Cels Forum

Re: Re: AWS boxes of cels, in case anyone is curious. . . And framing! (Sun Feb 27 08:43:52 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


It's good for people to know this kind of thing. I had no
idea but fortunately I asked, and - to their credit - they
were very up front with me about the cels being picked over
and the actual number in the box.

I just worry about the person who doesn't think to ask!

I'm curious. . . (and I ask because I know there are people
here who have actually been to the store) Are their prices
that ridiculous in the store itself as well?

And on a complete sidenote, if anyone knows where I can
aquire some of the Miyu shinma (either TV or OVA) let me
know. I'm having a terrible time finding any, let alone
good ones.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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