Cels Forum

AWS boxes of cels, in case anyone is curious. . . And framing! (Sun Feb 27 07:45:28 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


In case anyone is curious. . . I finally heard back from
AWS about the box of Miyu cels. Turns out that not only are
they picked over (as Yann suspected), but also there are
only between 10 and 20 in the box. Yes, you all read that
right. . . *10* or *20*.  0_o

That's almost a joke. Methinks that box will be sitting
there quite a long time, ne?

In other, more positive news, I've finally finished my
first home framing of a cel! ^_^  I've never done this
before, so I'm really pleased that it came out so well!
Thanks much to e-mail guidence from Noriko. ^_-  I've
snapped a photo of the finished project for you all to see.
Yes, that innocent guinea pig cel I bought a while back has
finally earned a respectable position. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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