Cels Forum

Yahoo-Japan bidding (Sun Apr 2 03:37:45 2000 )

I have searched and read all the past "yahoo" messages using the 
search feature, but I can't find anything that helps me, so I'm 
going to ask. 

When you register with Yahoo-Japan, does it work for the auctions? 
I have been registered for a *LONG* time - way before the board started 
having all the discussions about it, but I had never bid. I never found 
anything that was worth embarassing myself enough to talk to someone in 
Japanese. ^_^ However, there was something a while back that I *REALLY* 
wanted and when I bid, it told me I wasn't a registered user! It had been so long, 
I figured, "Maybe I forgot to reply to an email or something." 

So, I re-registered with a different name and email, but the confirmation email 
I got back tells me I'm registered for the Pager, My Yahoo, everything but the 
auctions! I feel a bit ripped off; I've been registered for ages and mine won't work, 
yet I know non-Japanese who've registered since and can bid with no problems! (I had 
originally thought that they might have just deleted all non-Japan based accounts).

It gets a bit confusing having to track down registered friends to bid for me (and 
I'm also really uncomfortable with that) and would like to have an id of my own. Has 
anyone else had this problem? Is there a way to fix it? Did I miss something or just not read 
something right?


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