Cels Forum

Re: Anyone have some good information on matting cels? (Tue Nov 24 00:51:01 1998 )
Chad Kawakami

     Well, I have a bit of experience with framing, since I 
took some framing and mat cutting classes before.  I'd 
recommend you purchase a mat cutter--  the ones made by 
Logan are quite nice.  You'll need a straight edge, plus 
an exacto knife, and the mat cutter, plus the mat board.
     I recently purchased a Logan Intermediate Mat Cutter 
Setup.  It's a matcutter (mat cutters have angled blades to 
cut the beveled cut) with a 42" metal track guide, plus 
a straight cutter and an edge that sets the the width 
of the mat that you will cut.  I paid $100 (special sale) at 
Swains in Glendale, California, for it, but it was a good 
deal since the retail was $200.  
    The main reason I purchased the expensive setup was that 
I also cut matboards for posters.  The larger the mat you 
try to cut, the harder it is to keep the cut precisely 
straight.  And the larger the mat you need, the more 
expensive it is if you make a mistake.
     However, for cutting mats for cels, you can get by 
with just a good mat cutter, a metal straight edge, a ruler, 
and an exacto knife.  I bought a mat cutter made by some 
strange company (was it Dexeter?), and it was really 
difficult to use.  Then I bought the Logan 2000, which 
worked pretty good.  Then I picked up the higher model 
Logan cutter, which I liked a bit more (had a larger 
handle, and it was a "pull type" instead of the 
"push type".

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