Cels Forum

Warning to Sailormoon cel collectors (Sun Oct 10 14:19:15 1999 )

Hello Everyone,

This is a warning to anyone that collects Sailormoon cels and posts pictures of them online.

Grep Sailormoon [http://www.sailormoon.org] has so many of our cels posted in their galleries, 
without giving any of us credit.

My cel page [http://www.sailorstars.com/cels/] has a large
warning at the bottom of it saying:
"Please DO NOT put any of these images onto your pages or distribute them in any way."
So I was shocked to find that a lot of my cels were in their galleries
without my permission. This is a list of the cels in their galleries
that are mine:
chibichibi001.jpg (ID 10160)
group46.jpg (ID 10607)
luna001.jpg (ID 10993)
fighter01.jpg (ID 10447)
celcards.jpg (ID 10044)
mcelcards.jpg (ID 11248)
celchibibunny.jpg (ID 10045)
group51.jpg (ID 10613)
moon05.jpg (ID 11403)
moon06.jpg (ID 11404)
usagi15.jpg (ID 13068)
group49.jpg (ID 10610)
galaxia001.jpg (ID 10506)
mcelgalaxia200.jpg (ID 11249)

There are hundreds of other Sailormoon cels pictured there from
many of your collections, so if you don't wish for your pictures
to be used there, I would advise locating your cels in their galleries 
[http://www.sailormoon.org/library/] and asking for them to be removed.

Continued in next message...

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