Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Using eBay to advertise? (Tue Feb 2 12:54:12 1999 )
Yann Stettler

E-bay rules are such that it's forbiden to contact
a bidder or an auctioner. You can't send a mail to
a bidder to tell him : Eh, look, this newspaper is
still available at the regular price in many shop.
You can't tell him : You know that this cel is
not a production but a reproduction, don't you ?
You can't even tell him : Fansub are illegal. It's
even more illegal to sell them.

So ?
- You pay e-bay for adv space but can't also use
  another similar system from another company.
- You are not allowed to contact a auctioner/bidder
  to inform them in case some items are illegal,
  wrongly described, not worthing such amount...
- They don't see fit anymore to close auction of
  illegal items when they think that they don't
  risk anything anyway.

Don't be fooled : E-bay is not so kind, so great
as some things. They don't offer a service to people.
They sell it and in a way that bring them the most
money possible without real concern to legality
as long as they think they can go with it...

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