Cels Forum

Re: Re: Gainex, not a good idea?... (Tue Mar 30 18:13:30 1999 )


>> Now it's a little bit different for dealers : when
         selling a produce of a company, we are allowed to
         make a catalog of the produces or use samples
         as publicity.

What I've heard is that Gainax has not even released their cels
of Evangelion to the general public.  All the cels that are 
available for sale out there are mostly stolen, promos or gifts
from he studio.  So technically you shouldn't have the cels on 
your sales site at all, even as a dealer.

What I don't understand is, why is Gainex making such a big deal 
about their copyrighted material?  On their website they have 
specific images that are allowed to be used on websites and only
after an agreement is "signed" (that is, last time I looked).  
Perhaps they own the rights, yes, but very few, if any other 
studios care.  Personally I think that displaying cels and images 
from any anime shows is a great form of free advertising for these

Back to the Eva cels; why do they sell hand-painted copies, but 
won't let the originals out of their sight?  What is this fear
they're displaying? 

Metaphor (who doesn't think Eva is that great anyway...)

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