Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cel question in general :)PT2 (Wed Apr 21 03:18:03 1999 )


This is why keyframe sketches are more highly valued by collectors. The in-betweeners essentially trace the keyframes, moving the lines only a tiny bit.
As far as the cels themselves go, the only difference is the drawing they are based on! 
It is interesting to me to look at the line quality difference between various sketches. Some are very good drawings. Some are obviously traced. 
Once I saw a Kiki's Delivery Service drawing that was incredibly sketchy and loose. It looked exactly like the drawings they showed Miyazaki-san 
doing in the "Making of Mononoke Hime" video I saw. Before these drawings become cels they have line artists trace them and make the line quality such 
that cels can be made out of it. But there is no more precious drawing in the world, in my mind, than the original animation sketch!
Another thing, an animator might be exptected to have fifty drawings per week. An in-betweener might be expected to have 200 drawings per week.
Just as an example.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.

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