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Re: How do I stop this cel addiction! (Mon Apr 19 07:29:34 1999
) steve |
>Has anyone successfully stoped collecting cels. >If so how did you do it. A quick and simple fix is suicide... X_X ... uh too drastic right? Okay a non-life threatening way is like others have said... just concentrate on one or two series and only collect nicer cels from that series... >Why do other people collect Japanese anime cels, >what are some of your reasons? Yann sends out subliminal messages through his webpage to make us actually believe that we want these silly pieces of acetate ... ;) Nah ... seriously I believe it's like actually owning a real "part" of your favorite series/character... steve - who hasn't updated his webpage is over a month, but really should because he's got a lot of cool stuff to put up... |
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