Cels Forum

Re: What has become our our hobby? Continued (Sat Oct 23 05:23:51 1999 )


It seems the only solution in clear sight is to buy from reputable
dealers and collectors, and to not buy from any one who seems shady, no matter how
nice the cel is. And if the person does seems shady, but
the deal is too good to pass up, pass it up. Remember the old saying
"If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't."? Other nice cels will
come along, and peace of mind about the authenticty of your cel is 
something that can't be compromised. 

Fraudelent seller Type B is easier to combat. It seems that 
these dealing are dome by people with zero (or little) feedback on
eBay, or through personal email. I've yet to see a gallery claiming 
ownership of cels that are actually other people's cels.(and I hope I never
do! ^_~) These dealing seem to be strictly Ah! My Goddess cels as
of now, but no doubt it will change. The cels seem to be taken from
Japanese cel sites (cels that are out of the typical American collector's eyes)
and are superior in quality to the stuff that is normally seen (once again about
it being too good. . .) If the validity of a cel or seller ever
ever, ever comes into question, ask on this board. Every one here has
an opinion, and many of us are willing to share it. No one 
here wants anyone to be ripped off. (at least I hope so!!!)

If a cel deal is done though trading, whomever does the 
asking for the trade should ship first. That way it is less likely 
some one will take your cel (gomen nasi ivylick-san!)

So, in short, buy from reputable dealers, if it's sold by a questionable seller 
and is too good to be real, it probably isn't, ask questions here about
the cel's authenticity, and if your are proposed a trade, have the proposer ship first.



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