[...continued from above]
But then, how can we get upset at the pros? The studios
own the images so they can do anything they want in terms
of repros. They have no obligation to protect the
investments of cel collectors.
How about moonlighting animators, knocking off a cel for
a few quick bucks? Should we get upset at them. Perhaps
...but these people...probably as much as the studios
deserve the few extra bucks. Heaven knows they're not
paid very well, particularly in Japan and in Korea.
So, what are we left with? Who can we blame? Should we
blame ANYONE?
First, we could get upset at dealers who try to sell the
fake stuff as the good stuff. However, in many cases, the
dealer who sells you a fake isn't aware of the problem
himself. It's a natural tendency...and I've done it
myself...but you don't want to go pointing fingers
at potentially innocent parties.
So, what I've finally arrived at is the conclusion that
we, the buyers, need to protect themselves. We need to
learn to tell the difference between real and fake; and once
the general cel collecting community is educated, fraud
will become much tougher. Certainly, as long as there
are cels going for multiple thousands of dollars, there
will be forgeries. There will, however, be fewer fakes as
it becomes cost INeffective to make them well enough to
pass the scrutiny of a knowledgeable collecting public.