Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: any advice? (Tue Sep 21 07:22:05 1999 )

If he has actually been
checking it out it wouldn't
take over a week  to hear an
answer.  At the very least he 
should have contacted you with the
status of the situation.  If the cels
were sent insured then he would have a
tracking number he can use to find out
what happened to your order--and that he
would know about the same day.  If you can 
get the tracking # try the website:

http://www.usps.com  and use your tracking
number.  Also, if you sent a money order
you can determine when exactly it was cashed--
just check that at the Post Office.
If paid by check, you can also do that with your bank.
2 months is too long.  Vacations shouldn't be 
used as excuses.  Business is Business. Keep pursuing
Good Luck!

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