Ladies and gentlemink, SHE CAME BACK!!
I am so happy to be able to report that I am
covered from head to toe in dander, loose hair,
dirt, and grass, to say nothing of scratches,
received a few minutes ago while retrieving the
Feline Pest from under the deck!!
Emily somehow has managed to forage for two solid
weeks, during which we have had a miserable cold,
drizzly, snowy patch, while not leaving the back
We spotted what we thought was either her or the
lady down the street who's practically identical,
Thursday evening. She headed through a little
hole to hide out underneath our storage shed in
the back yard, and aside from catching a really
good glimpse of her tail after she spooked the
living you know what out of me, I couldn't get
close enough to see whether it was in fact Emily.
Tonight, one of the Crotchedy Old Ladies (tm)
spotted her on the porch (and made appropriate
unwelcoming noises). She again hid out, this
time under the deck. After about 15 minutes on
my belly in the dirt, I got to where she could
look me square in the eye and realized that yes,
this WAS Mom, and came to me.
She's probably lost five pounds of the ten, and
is filthy dirty, but she's in amazingly good
shape. I feel like I should cry for joy but I'm
too in shock!!
So thanks, all of you who told me not to give up
And Show Me JOY!! |