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Re: Re: Cels for Sale!! Utena, FY, AnC, X/1999, Escaflowne, etc (Fri Nov 7 08:44:06 2008 )
Kate [View profile ]


I would be happy to buy a few Utena cels if they 
are still available please let me know.

The cels of Juri,Touga and Anthy and Anthy from 
the movie are the cels I would like to buy.

I see you had an issue with a customer.At least 
you did refund the money which to me shows that 
at least you are not a thief.Mistakes and 
misunderstandings happen and it is unfortunate 
that it hurt the potential buyer and your 
reputation.However I am willing to take the 
chance.Worst that can happen is you tell me no 
after all.:)

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