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What To Call This Type of Cel... (Sat May 8 08:00:44 2004 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Well...I just bought a gorgeous cel...And I'm in 
a dilema as to what to call it.

Now, the cel was painted by an animator from the 
studio when the seller went there...And was given 
out as a gift...The cel is very big, like a 
hanken, and is highly detailed, etc.

Now, on things like this...What would you call 
it?  A hanken?  I don't believe it was ever used 
for anything...It was simply painted for the 
visiting seller by the studio responsible for the 
series the cel was painted from...And by the 
looks of it...It was painted by the master...

Anyway...Thoughts, opinions?  Any helps as to how 
to classify this would be much appreciated ^_^!

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