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Re: It's very easy and efficient. - Honto da ka? (Sat Jun 19 16:56:21 2004 )
eridanus nli [View profile ]

Then perhaps I could hire you to get me back the 
$54 I had to send the postal service to cover the 
first MO that they had refunded me for - 9 months 
before someone cashed it?  I've got a stack of 
correspondence from me to them - and from them 
back, threatening to take it to Collections, if I 
didn't pay up. 

I'll admit, this is the first and only time this 
has happened, and I've filed for about 3 missing 
domestic MOs and 1 IPMO in total.  But it's still 
very irritatiing. I'm just happy the problem 
didn't happen with a several-hundred-dollar MO!

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