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Mingle at 10 too! (Mon Jul 19 06:25:06 2004 )
ciaran [View profile ]

 	oops I’m the one who gave it that name.....the real 
“focus” of the panel was meant to be a chance to get 
together and ogle.  I kind of did it very last minute and 
had to have people/topics ect set up literally in two 
days!  I was hoping to attract new collectors with the title 
and post on the forums to get word out to the more 
experienced collectors to bring their books and show 
em off!  And yes trade!
	Aside from Sensei’s cool presentation we are going to 
have information on deputies, storage and 
preservation, kanji translation service and the scoop on 
different studios and their policies on releasing 
production materials. 
	So I hope folks are not scared off by the name I’m 
trying to make it interesting for all levels of collectors.  
oh yeah did I mention door prize!  I was going to give 
away  Zeram.

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