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Re: Re: Anyone else paranoid about possible cel theft? (Thu Aug 5 23:27:35 2004 )
munch [View profile ]

Exactly, as I previously stated cels are hardly
worth the time and effort of your average thief to
steal. Cels are NOT EASY to hawk, pawn and resell
without avoiding being traced or leaving a
papertrail. Think about this realistically ok?
Cels are a pain in the ass just to buy and store
for a knowledgable collector. A thief does not
want the trouble of finding high end buyers with
money for this type of stuff; cels and most
artwork is complete waste of time and energy. 

If you’ve ever been mugged or had your place
broken into, you will know where I am coming from,
electronics, jewelry and anything of value that
can be quickly sold, is a much more realistic target.

About taking the actual cels to cons I never do
it. I simply refuse to bring my originals, if
anything if you must share then have a color copy
of them in a binder NOT a portfolio, so it is
easier to transport and to identify. Your color
copies will suffice if you are merely sharing them
with people, if someone is serious about BUYING or
TRADING it from you, then you can get their
contact information, email, telephone number etc
and even write something out on paper, in case
they forget. When all is said and done, you will
still have shared your cels without unnecessarily
RISKING the actual ones being DAMAGED. If you are
going their to purchase somemore cels, then you
can pack them still without bringing a cel
portfolio, you can get one of those HARDCASE ITOYA
cases and use cardboard to protect it.

Sure shit can happen in CONS, same can be said
about having it mailed. But at cons you know damn
well that there will be cel collectors there. In
the end, you ALONE are responsible for the safety
of your cels, period, no if ands or buts! Bringing
your actual cels to a con IMO is stupid.

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