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Please check your anatomy. Right now, your mouth's farting and your butt is talking. (Sat Aug 28 00:06:58 2004 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

"Typical.  If you can't justify your own 
actions, you try to push blame off on others for 
something that hasn't even happened for many 
You're doing the same with me. I only picked an 
example to prove your words bullshit.

"esides, Seaira and Schmecky are nice people, 
and we can sympathize with them.  They don't 
complain about every little thing in their 
Didn't even mean them. I meant someone who 
proudly posted one OT after the other, right 
after having flamed ME for being OT.
And where/when am I complaining about everything 
in my life? Musta missed an episode...
Btw, are you implying that it doesn't matter 
WHAT is posted but WHO is posting it? So let's 
say if, let me randomly pick, Drac posted the 
Saiyuki update thread, it'd be great? Umm... 
take some valium, then talk to me again. Cuz, if 
this is really how it is, this board is insane.

"You post your feeble me-too responses to 
threads that don't need it, like a self-obsessed 
child crashing her parent's party in a desperate 
bid for attention."
Tell me, what else is a reply to a post most of 
the time? For instance, show-me's are nothing 
but me-toos. Recent acquisitions as well. I'd 
say at least 50% of forum discussion is me-too, 
allover the web. Try to search for arguments in 
another drawer, ok? This one sucks ;)
 Plus, "Me-toos" are still better than flames, 
don't you think?

As for names, be a good example and post yours, 
hm? At least your alias so I know who the life-
needing, yellow-bellied, unsufficiently loved, 
good-for-nothing sucker is. Meanwhile, let me 
name you so I can ID you from other anons. Hmm. 
Oh yeah, here's a great one for you! Dungmaggot-
kun. I think it suits you!
Plus, I don't know about you, but my Japanese is 
almost fluent, so most of the time, I survive 
without your parroted wisdom. And maybe you 
should dig up and flame Noodles-sama, too? It's 
not about being better than others, it's just an 
alias, you poor kid. Does Evilminion commit evil 
deeds because of her alias? Is Drac a vampire? 
Is Requiem the owner of a burial company? The 
ladies at Nii-san are actually Nee-sans. SO WHAT?
I'll tell you why I choose ore-sama. 
I choose the "ore"-part because I have a lot of 
masculine characteristics and because I don't 
like women very much. And I'm no nerd nor sissy, 
so "boku" is out of question.
The "sama" part is half-kidding for my 
occasional over-confidence.

Get real. Get a life. Get hit by a train.
Choose for yourself one of those methods so your 
existance has a (farfetched) meaning. If you 
want to please people, choose the third one. Í 
would gladly help you. Just gimme a call, you 
find my number on my site. I love to travel.

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