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THANKS and NO THANKS Fighter (Mon Aug 30 20:16:10 2004 )
Collecto [View profile ]


Thank you Frank for your reply. I figured it must 
be a "one time attack" cel rather than a BANK 

And now to the NO THANKS part. I may be new, but 
I do read the forums posts. I think when it comes 
to posts dealing with Mina & Yaten that you 
should stay out of them. If you want to share 
your opinion on a question, please feel free to 
contact me via email instead of pissing them off. 

My question was a sincere inquiry, I am a newer 
collector and I am simply trying to understand 
the terms used and was confused. I did not try to 
be disrespectful to anyone. I appologize that 
this became something personal.

Thank you for your time.


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