Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
eh? This isn't my problem... Try NOT using Internet Explorer (Wed Oct 13 03:19:04 2004
yaten - nli [View profile
perhaps you should fix your spyware removal
software and your anti-virus. It's not my site's
It's loading just fine for plenty of people. Try
using Mozilla or another browser that that blocks
spyware. A LOT of times Animanga will direct you
to sites that are ads and crap. Hence why I
rarely come to this forum anymore. If you clicked
the link directly, it may have done so. Try
copying the link and pasting it into your address bar.
Don't tell me to "FIX IT." when it's not my
problem. ¬_¬
Also, I'd like to point out, you might want to
check into things before you go screaming not to
go to my sale site. I find that very rude, and
quite uncalled for.
~yaten |
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