Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
FOR SALE: Prince of Tennis, Ah! My Goddess, Scrapped Princess, Naruto(Background!!!), Marmalade Boy, Tenshi ni Narumon, (Tue Oct 12 07:53:51 2004
yaten - nli [View profile
Okay... I need to make some cash so I can
withdraw from the school I'm currently in, and
finally get back to following my dream of going
into Graphic Design/Illustration as my major. ^_^
I need to make exactly $1033.36 to free
myself from my current school, and to work on my
portfolio to get into the University I plan to
attend, in January.
The Sale is here:
There are items available from:
Ah! My Goddess (1)
Naruto (1)
Sailor Moon (2)
Scrapped Princess (1 rilezu)
X (4)
Otaku no Video (1)
Tenshi ni Narumon (2)
Prince of Tennis (1 lot)
Marmalade Boy (2)
Beyblades (1 20+ piece set)
Magic Knight Rayearth (2)
If nothing appears to be selling, I am also
taking limited offers on my main gallery here:
Just please don't touch any of my yaten cels.
Thanks a lot for looking!
~yaten |
Message thread :
- FOR SALE: Prince of Tennis, Ah! My Goddess, Scrapped Princess, Naruto(Background!!!), Marmalade Boy, Tenshi ni Narumon, - yaten - nli (12 Oct 07h53)