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My take... (Fri May 17 00:13:13 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

I dont care who posts my cels....I watermark them 
all, and I make sure to do so in a way that it 
would take enormous time and effort (not to 
mention skill) to paint them out of the image.  I 
have never seen the big problem of people taking 
images of cels, as long as they dont claim to own 
them, or try to sell them....which this girl 
doesnt claim to own these images, nor is she 
selling them.  She just likes the pictures, so 
what's the harm in that?  I dont care if 20 
people stole a cel image of mine, I still own the 
cel ~_~, so there's no real harm done.  Just as 
long as no one is using my images to sell fake 
cels, or no cel at all, I dont mind. And as was 
stated above, just because you own the cel doesnt 
mean you own that image.  The studio created the 
cels to be seen in anime, which is seen around 
the world.  The person who takes the image has no 
idea what you paid for the cel, so to them it 
could be worth nothing...they may just want the 
pic.  I dont know, Im nutty.  I have no time to 
worry about who's taking my cel images.  If they 
were taking my ART images, well....then we'd have 
to take it outside because I do own those images 

Why do I have this scary feeling that someone is 
going to test me now....8-[

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