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Re: another quick comment (Sat May 25 04:12:51 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

I understand Dustie, and I am not trying to fight 
either. AND...I am not trying to open up an "old 
wound" either. First let me say that, I have 
bought a marvelous cel from Rick's site and I am 
very satisfied with the level of customer service 
that I have received. And I would go back if I 
found another, BUT-- that is besides my point 

The point I am trying to make (*as crude as it 
may have be worded*) is that there was a lot of 
talk and debate on this matter here on this 
forum, yet Rick or Anime-link, never responded 
(that I know of). I would assume that word got 
back to him. I would like the issue to be cleared 
for everyone's sake. Why should it just go away?

If it has been cleared, and I did miss out on his 
rebuttal, reply, or statement than I am truly 
sorry and I apologize for having grazed over a 
matter that has been clear up. If it indeed has 
been explained, then if you'd be so kind to as to 
explain to this dumb ass.

Because, the mystery still remains for me. 
Namely, why was Yann given such a notice about 
stolen cels?? Maybe, it shouldn't have been made 
public in the first place. Maybe, it could have 
been kept between the dealers themselves, as 
quite possibly, Rick would have wanted. 

But it has been made public. I think that it is 
too late for the "dust" to have been cleared so 
easily. And as a member of this forum, this 
public forum, I feel that it is a worthy subject 
to be discussed. I feel it is in the best 
interest of collectors (and most of all Rick) to 
make reasonable information flow freely and 
openly on this topic, and clear his name and 
business if he so deems collectors here worthy of 
an explaination. Once again to Rick and everybody 
that bothers to read this post, that I mean no 
harm...If this message is obsolete than I 
apologize whole-heartedly. If it's not 
then..may "the truth" rise to the occasion.

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