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Thats sooo awesome (the cel)! OT: Wisdom teeth...hmmm...... (Mon May 27 02:22:07 2002 )
Fickle_haruka [View profile ]

So pretty....I hope you felt better after making
the cel. I'm still trying to find a picture for a
cel that I would like to have commissioned...but
can't find the perfect one yet from Angelic Layer
or Legend of Basara...

AHHHH!!! Don't reminder me about the dentist. I've
already rescheduled my appointment to have 4
wisdom teeth taken out 3 times.....now the day is
drawing near. And people tell me lots of different
stories and its scarying the heck out of me.... I
get mine out 8 a.m. this up coming Thursday May 30 *_*

Oh well, I should be getting 3 cels in this week
before vacation starts Saturday/Friday. That
should make up for it right?

Anyone got stories about their wisdom teeth?

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