You'll have to find your own Chobits pic. that
one's mine! mine mine mine mine! *l*
No, seriously I've only seen that CLAMP image on
one site and emailed the webmaster to see if they
were alright with me using it to make a cel.
It's my absolute FAVORITE pic out so far...of
good chi anyway. Dark chi has much cooler
costumes... ohhhh yeah.
But there's still lots of really nice merchandise
images you can find on YJ! by searching through
rinkya if you want a commission (that's where I
found all my other pics--outside of the
cards/pencil boards/posters I already got ^_^).
Probably don't want to pick one that detailed
because It took me straight through from 8AM to
around 11PM just to paint her dress and skin, and
that's because of all the detail and custom
mixing, not the drugs >.< The hair painting was
another 5 or 6 hours and I did the outlines a
couple of weeks ago. |