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Re: I seem to feel differently from the majority... (Tue May 28 23:21:33 2002 )
msmsytique(nli) [View profile ]

Hey Misha ^^ 

Don't worry I am not flaming you. Just wanted to 
point out that no where did the majority of us 
say he/she deserved to have their website erased 
or any act that allowed for the destruction of 
thier gallery. I think most of us were simply 
pointing out that it probably would not have 
happened at all if he/she had changed their login 
information after the inital help period. Did SWC 
ask for it? No, of course not but did he/she make 
it easy for this "friend" to hurt what they love 
best? Yes. That's why I suggested changing the 
user info. If they can't access the site then 
they can't harm the site. 


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