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How do you feel about you gallery (Tue May 28 12:11:43 2002 )
S.W.C. [View profile ]

How do you feel about you gallery. I ask this 
question because recently I had a slight problem 
with vandalism of my gallery. You see when I 
first started collecting I had help from a so-
called friend. This person helped me basically 
showed me what to do to start. So after learning 
and I would have to say enjoying my self it was 
finished. This morning while continuing my daily 
morning routine I logged on to see my babies 
before starting the day. Oh what the f*ck my 
gallery is gone. Could it be some thing I did the 
night before wile I was drunk 0_0 after getting 
over the initial shock training set in. I logged 
in with my ID and Pass word (the same info this 
friend shared while helping me) and low and 
behold here is the problem. I have been screwed. 
This person had decided since we were fighting 
about another completely different argument that 
they would vandalize my gallery. I can understand 
anger hell I can even understand hatred but to 
take out your anger on helpless anime cels there 
should be a law against it. I can’t explain the 
feeling that came over me so I am wondering am I 
the only person who would be hurt by such a 
thoughtless and uncaring act. Or am I taking 
things to personally.I fixed my gallery again but 
the hurt still remains.

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