This cel could almost go into the cel karma
thread below. I was in the middle of helping two
people with really complicated deals on Yahoo
Japan when a cel from this sequence showed up on
Ebay. . . I had SO wanted one just like this and
so here I am thinking "Oooo! This must be cel
karma!" However, the bidding on that cel went
INSANE. . . How insane? For well more than the
most expensive cel I've ever bought to now. (This
all happened pre-Animaxis, BTW.) Needless to say
I lost big time. Okay, time to grumble on with
life and curse the fact that I have too much
"conscience" to let myself completely shatter the
bank on a single cel.
Then my cel showed up at Anime World Star and
I've never been so glad first, to have lost an
auction, and second, that I ALWAYS have deputies
ready. It was a whopping 3000yen. *^_^*
Many Sharp Smiles,