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You dirty rat, you killed my brother... (Sat Jun 22 08:58:00 2002 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Warg, sorry, I hadn't realized I uploaded the 
huge version of Fuu in the previous post.  This 
one is smaller, I promise.  Van looking pissed 
off, as normal (only in this shot he also looks 
hot, which unfortunately I can't say for most of 
the pissed off Van cels I've seen).  And there's 
the tiny detail that the person he's pissed at in 
this cel is actually his brother, but... I 
couldn't resist the title line... after all, 
Folken DID kill off his original personality and 
value system... okay okay, that's a big stretch 
and I know it.  ^_^

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