As you may have figured out, our server switch
went off more or less without too many problems
but the server we switched to is, well, a cow.
Our new server is a cow. Moo.
It's lazy and doesn't like being bothered to
serve up Rubberslug with any reasonable speed.
There's a number of technical reasons behind
this, but the simple explanation is that our new
server is a fat, lazy, cow. We thought it might
be good enough to host the site. Clearly, it
The problem here is that RS really needed its own
machine and it's the only one we had available.
But you're asking, "So when is this going to be
fixed?" My answer is, "I don't know." The numbers
I'm hearing are in the range of $3000-$4000 to
purchase a fast, reliable server for RS to call
its own. (That's on top of the several hundred
dollars it costs to host the site every month.)
The bottom line is that the bills for this little
experiment are adding up. Rubberslug needs some
way to generate even a part of its monthly
expenditure back to justify giving it one of our
good servers. The only requirement for a fund-
raiser is that I don't want to annoy you. I don't
want to spam you, pop-up a ton of pointless ads,
etc. I'm probably already going to create a
donation page so that kind souls can give us
their spare change. Any other ideas?
If you post here, it may help to cc me via e-mail
since I check this forum irregularly. I will try
to respond to any and all suggestions. Thanks for