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Question about a strange story: please help (Tue Jul 2 16:36:46 2002 )
wanttobeincognitofornow [View profile ]

Hi everybody
It happens to me a strange and sad cel story for 
now and I'd like to have some advices about this 
to find a soluce.
I was ordering some cels to a seller ( for now I 
don't give any name , I want to let a chance to 
him to find a soluce too without any problem, 
sorry, that's also why I don't give my name) for 
a real big amount. The payement was a bit delayed 
( around a month) through paypal for several 
reasons, because the amount was really big and so 
I paid in 2 parts, but also for a private reason 
for the seller.
 Everything was paid since 3 weeks...and nothing 
was arriving yet. I asked news to the seller and 
he told to me he lost a cel and was looking for 
it. More than a week now and no news, no cel 
found back, and no money. Can you really believe 
a seller can lose a cel? Morever an OP cel from a 
quite wellknown serie? ( so wellknown price too) 
What have I to do? wait and see? Contact paypal? 
Thanks for your help.

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